
Generate the kubeconfig file for the kubelet to use and save it to kubelet.conf file.

Please note that this should only be used for cluster bootstrapping purposes. After your control plane is up, you should request all kubelet credentials from the CSR API.

kubeadm init phase kubeconfig kubelet [flags]


--apiserver-advertise-address string
The IP address the API Server will advertise it's listening on. If not set the default network interface will be used.
--apiserver-bind-port int32     Default: 6443
Port for the API Server to bind to.
--cert-dir string     Default: "/etc/kubernetes/pki"
The path where to save and store the certificates.
--config string
Path to a kubeadm configuration file.
--control-plane-endpoint string
Specify a stable IP address or DNS name for the control plane.
-h, --help
help for kubelet
--kubeconfig-dir string     Default: "/etc/kubernetes"
The path where to save the kubeconfig file.
--kubernetes-version string     Default: "stable-1"
Choose a specific Kubernetes version for the control plane.
--node-name string
Specify the node name.

Options inherited from parent commands

--rootfs string
[EXPERIMENTAL] The path to the 'real' host root filesystem.
Last modified April 13, 2020 at 5:44 PM PST: regenerate ref docs, prepare hugo upgrade (05b55bfaa)